October Property
Management Month Closes
4 Virtual Webinars Next week:
- Property Management: 4 hours
- Landlord Asset Protection 1 Hour
- Slip and Fall Risk Reducers 1 hour
- Evictions and Best Practices 1 Hour
Register or check out the schedules, resources and details on https://www.alaskatraining.com/ourclasses/property-management/
You can relax at home and be comfortable with our virtual delivery classes.
Property Management (4ECE Optional)
Property Management provides you with additional real estate training for those licensees and landlords who are involved in Property Management or Association Management.
Landlord Asset Protection
One of the riskiest business practices in the United States is property management. You can work hard for decades and lose everything in one lawsuit. This webinar gives an overview on risks and how to mange them so you can avoid losing everything in one lawsuit.
Topics Include:
1. What insurance doesn't cover
2. Commingling and Piercing the Corporate Veil
3. Inside vs Outside Lawsuits
4. Slip and Fall Strategies
5. Structuring Rental Properties for Asset Protection
62 Slip and Fall Risk Reducers Part 2-FREE Virtual Class
Join our complimentary webinar next week on reducing Slip and Fall Risks. Until then, with the snow flying, here are a few more hints from our 62 Slip and Fall Risk Reducers:
- Designate specific walkways and sand them, not all.
- Walk through daily during winter or establish a walk thru schedule in extreme conditions.
- Move debris where snow and ice can accumulate, particularly where people walk.
- Black sticky tape with abrasion on stairs
- If sand or gravel is provided on site, have sign that says, for everyone’s use.
Property Management Evictions Webinar:FREE Virtual Class
We will discuss some of the restrictions on evictions at the webinar but some property managers have had success in 30 day notices not tied to no payment of rent and state troopers are now slowly helping on moving some tenants out.
That informational webinar next week addresses some questions and concerns regarding best practices and also pitfalls related to state and federal laws regarding evictions during this lock down period. No charge for the webinar.
Jerry Royse, at the helm of Royse and Associates, stands out in real estate education with over 35 years of experience teaching across 46 states and 5 countries. A seasoned educator, Jerry has trained thousands in Sales Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education, also applying his expertise as an expert witness in over 30 legal cases and successfully closing over 1100 homes as a Buyer Broker. His extensive knowledge marks him as a preeminent expert in the field.