Contract Class Purchase & Sales Agreements (PSAs) Part 1
Purchase and Sales Agreements are a critical part of the licensee’s business. It’s important to have a strong foundation in the essentials of PSAs and the state and contract laws that govern them.
This segment lays the foundation of properly using the most common PSAs in the state of Alaska. The form authorized for use ONLY by active Real Estate Licensee Subscribers of Alaska Multiple Listing Service, Inc covers key components that should be addressed when writing an offer on residential property. Later classes will address alternative documents used by non-MLS members.
4 Key Areas Students will learn:
- Students will list the key components to create enforceable contracts.
- Students will locate the major considerations in the home inspection process.
- Students will list conditions to address in earnest money disputes to reduce their risks.
- Students will identify competitive language to get more sales.

Jerry Royse makes learning fun!
Effectively Writing a Purchase and Sales Agreement (PSA) to Control the Earnest Money and Avoid Lawsuits and Increase Sales

Contract Class:
Purchase & Sales Agreements (PSAs) Part 1
Purchase and Sales Agreements (PSAs) are a critical part of the licensee's success. It’s important to have a strong foundation in the essentials of PSAs including state and contract laws that govern them. It can make the difference on whether you make the sale or someone else does.
This segment lays the foundation of properly using the most common PSAs in the state of Alaska. The form we use as an example covers key concepts and is authorized for use ONLY by active Real Estate Licensee Subscribers of Alaska Multiple Listing Service, Inc. It covers key components that should be addressed when writing an offer on a residential property. Later classes will address alternative documents used by non MLS members.
Key Areas Students will learn:
- Students will list the key elements to control the earnest money
- Students will point out the major considerations in the home inspection process.
- Students will list conditions to address in earnest money disputes to reduce their risks.
- Students will identify competitive language to get more sales.

Purchase and Sale Agreement Narrative
In this document you will find a line by line explanation of the Purchase and Sale Agreement form. You can easily locate the section of the form for which you want more details. It's an easy to use tool that will assist you in making sure you are filling out the form completely and within legal parameters. Take advantage of a tool made specifically for the Purchase and Sale Agreement form and with your legal obligations in mind. Protect yourself and your clients. Register today and get all these benefits.